Are you stuck on today’s NYT Mini Crossword? No worries! We’ve got all the answers and hints you need to complete the puzzle quickly. Whether you’re a daily solver or just looking for a little help, this guide will make sure you don’t miss a clue.
What is the NYT Mini Crossword?
The NYT Mini Crossword is a shorter, fast-paced version of The New York Times’ classic crossword puzzle. Unlike the full crossword, which requires more time and general knowledge, the Mini is designed to be quick and fun. Many players even challenge themselves to complete it as fast as possible.
If a tricky clue is slowing you down, don’t worry—we have all the answers below!
March 11, 2025 – NYT Mini Crossword Answers
Across Clues & Answers:
- 1A: Drops on a putting green, say → DEW
- 4A: Change that a Spaniard or German might request? → EUROS
- 6A: Beat handily, in slang → SPANK
- 7A: Annoying, as a younger sibling → PESKY
- 8A: Blue expanse → SEA
Down Clues & Answers:
- 1D: Pulls a fast one on → DUPES
- 2D: Clear, as a blackboard → ERASE
- 3D: Speaker of the line “You know, no other factory in the world mixes its chocolate by waterfall” → WONKA
- 4D: Paranormal gift, for short → ESP
- 5D: Blue expanse → SKY
How to Play More NYT Mini Crosswords
The New York Times offers many great word games, but access to past puzzles requires a subscription. The Mini Crossword is free to play daily, so be sure to check back each day for a new challenge!
Looking for answers to other popular NYT games like Wordle, Connections, or Strands? Visit our daily puzzle hints page for solutions and tips.
Final Thoughts
The NYT Mini Crossword is a great way to test your vocabulary and thinking speed. If you found this guide helpful, bookmark this page and check back daily for more answers and hints. Happy solving!
नमस्ते, मेरा नाम अमित वर्मा है। मैं हिंदी में सरकारी योजनाओं और स्कीम्स से जुड़ी ताज़ा खबरें और जानकारी साझा करता हूं। राजस्थान का निवासी होने के नाते, मेरा उद्देश्य आपको सभी सरकारी योजनाओं की सटीक और सरल जानकारी प्रदान करना है।